Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reflections of my first week here

Wow it has been a week since I have been in Ecuador. Right now I am currently going through my training which will encompass 3 months. This training focuses on safety, training, health and technical. Our group is divided into two group the Natural Resource Conservation and Agriculture. I am in the Agriculture sector and will likely be working in irrigation system design or possibly rain water harvesting since I have a background in water. The way that peace corps works is that you are placed into a poor community and you use your knowledge to aid in the development of the region. You try to focus your project on education or if money is involved make sure that the community has a stake in it. This will guarantee that your community will embrace more of your ideas. It is important that your development not be categorized as welfare. You want to give them the knowledge, leadership and motivation on how they can improve their lives. It can be damaging to a community to simply receive hand outs from an outside government.

The highlight of this week was visiting an organic farm. I had never really been interested in the organic label but after visiting this farm the practices had a deep impact on me. I now now feel that traditional farming has been going in the wrong direction. The farm focused on symbiotic relationships or a relationship between two distinct species that work in unison for their mutual benefit. For example traditional farming focuses on killing all insects regardless of type with chemicals, making the soil richer with the use of chemical fertilizers, and also killing all the weeds. The organic farming practices looked as weeds and insects as a useful tool in the growing of crops. Weeds left next to your crop will serve to put carbon back in to your crops. Trees left on the perimeter of your field will attract birds that will eat insects. Wildflowers near your crops will attract bees and other types of fliying insects that attack larvae on crops. Planting basil on the foot of a tomato plant will ward away many pest. The main focus was on how the most important element in organic farming was keeping the microorganism's happy so they can do the work of breaking down organic matter. It was very basic the happier your microorganism's are the more fertile your soil will be.The importance of microorganism's reminded me of their roll in waste water treatment and how maintaining their health was crucial for effective treatment. Here are some pictures:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Otro dia

Another day of training. I think I'm going to make some leg muscles pretty quick because I have to walk everywhere. Here are some pics:
 This cute little critter is getting fatened up so he can be the next meal: guinea pigs are a delicacy in Ecuador
 Translated: I hire alcoholics for parties

 Simon the family pet bull
 Aguacates these are every where
 This is my host family's dog. The thing is a beast and it constantly wants to jump on me. Down boy down
Translated: I will make babies and even come to your house.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hello world,

i am writing this blog to share my experience in the Peace Corps. It seems  like a very common thing to do for Peace Corps volunteers and I have been getting many request from girls to start a blog, well not many girls, ok its just one girl, fine its just my mom. I will try my best to keep you updated on my life out here in Ecuador.

I have been here a little less than a week and am currently living in Tumbaco a province of the capital Quito. It is probably a 45 minute bus ride to the capital. Hereis the location on google map, Tumbaco. It is kind of a small town in the middle of the mountains, actually it is really high up in the mountains. I am staying with a great host family that have treated me very good and will be with them for 3 months at least till my training is over. From there I will be given a project and will be moved out to another site. Ecuador is a really beutifull country and I am really glad to be here. Ive been trying all sorts of new foods and fruits. The fruits here are truly amazing none of that crappy over priced fruits you get at you local publix. Everything is so cheap and incredibly good. Pics to come up soon.